The 600 Horsepower BMW Vision M NEXT is BMWs Idea of a Hybrid Drivers Car of the Future Jalopnik
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taken by photographer Thomas Demand, who got a sneak preview of the
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But unlike the , the Vision M NEXT’s “backbone” (which is really more of a nose bone) doesn’t stand proud, it’s actually recessed, as shown in this picture, which also displays just how wide the ducts (or at least they look like ducts) are in the hood. It also shows louvers on the rear glass, which BMW says were inspired by the M1:
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Now that I look more at the , I do see a bit of a similarity between the general shape of its tail and that of BMW’s new concept.
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BMW says the Vision M NEXT “draws its inspiration from the iconic and groundbreaking ,” and between the doors, the general shape of the tail end, the character lines running down the center of the hood, and the way the side glass tapers off into a nice horizontal line, I can see where BMW is coming from.
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provides a glimpse into the future of sporty driving...where the illustrated how autonomous driving is set to transform life on board our vehicles, the demonstrates how state-of-the-art technology can also make the experience of driving yourself purer and more emotionally engaging.
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error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
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