How To Watch Facebook Videos While Scrolling News Feed/Outside The App In Facebook App

Learn How To Watch Or Enjoy Watching Videos On Facebook App While Scrolling News Feed And Outside The App At The Same Time
Facebook Recently Added This Feature In Which You Can Continue Watching Facebook Videos While Scrolling News Feed And Outside The App At The Same Means You Will Be Able To Enjoy News Feed, Outside The App Stuff And Video Both At Same Time.previous To This When You Scroll Down The News Feed The Video Which You're Watching Goes, A Floating Video Player Is Added In The Facebook App, With This Feature You Can Move Your Video Right, Left, Up, Down While Scrolling Down, Up The News Feed's How-

Step 1.)Make Sure You Have Updated Version Of Facebook In Your Android.

Step 2.)In News Feed Tap On The Video Which You Want To Continue Playing At The Same Time You Scroll Down/Up The News Feed Posts.

Step 3.)When You Tap On The Video, An Option Of Floating Video Will Appear At Top's-

Also, See-How To Log Out Of Facebook Remotely, Automatically From All Logged In Devices
Step 4.)When You Tap On It, Facebook Will Ask You To Choose One Option Out Of Two, Select Sounds Good.

Step 5.)That's It Hold Down The Video To Move, Your Video Will Float On News Feed, And You Can Continue Reading News Feed Posts While Watching Facebook News Feed.
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