What Is Dark WebHow To Access ItDark Web LinksHidden InternetWhy It Is Illegal

Who Invented Dark Web?What Is Dark Web?Is It Legal?Dark Web Links?Dark Web Videos!Hidden Internet!
There Are Three Types Of Web-Surface Web, Deep Web And The Largest Network-Dark Web.in This Post You Learn Everything About Dark Web, Deep Web And Surface Web.

Surface Web Is Also Called Visible Web.this Web Is Crawled By Search Engines Like Google, Yahoo, Bing And More.your Currently Reading This Article Either On Normal Browsing Mode Or You're In Incognito Mode You're Surfing The Web On Surface Web.all Websites Of This Web Network Indexed By Search Engines.for Example-You Search Facebook On Any Search Engine, Search Engine Shows You All Results Related To "Facebook" Term.in Surface Web Your I.P.(Internet Protocol) Address Is Visible.government Of A Country Can Track You Using Your IP Address.

However, If You Use VPN Which Means Virtual Proxy Network You Can Hide Your IP Address.what Does It Mean?Why A Person Hide His IP Address?There Is A Best Reason Behind This Is To Access Geo-Restricted Content.for Example-You Can Not See Videos Of Cricket Australia Website In India, Because Website Content Is Restricted For Some Country.

If You Use VPN And Change Your Address As Australia While You're In India, You Can See All Videos Freely Without Restrictions. VPN Also Prevent From Website Tracking.or You Can Say That You're Browsing Anonymously.

Surface Web Is Legal, Safe And Secure.every Normal Internet User Browse Surface Web.

Now, 2d One Is DEEP WEB.what Is It?Deep Web Is Legal But This Web Information Is Not Indexed By Search Engines, The Information Of This Web Is Hidden For All And Only Owner Of That Information Can Access The Content And Share If He/She Wants.

For Example-If You Upload A Photo, Notepad File, Video On Google Drive Which Is A Cloud Storage, Only You Can Access It And Those Who Has The Information Link.search Engine Like Google, Yahoo, Bing Can Not Crawl This Information Until Owner Change The Privacy.

All The Data Which Is Stored Online Like Bank Accounts Information, Your Google Drive Files, Every Thing Which Is On Cloud, Facebook Data Which Kept Online Are Comes Under Deep Web.

Every Owner Of This Information Has A Separate Account Which Is Protected By Username And Password.

Deep Web Is Legal, But Not Indexed By Search Engines Because Of Privacy Of The Content.

Note:-In Some Countries Deep Web Is Also Ban Because Deep Web Is Also A Small Portion Of Dark Web.

Now, third One Is DARK WEB Which Is A Dark Spot On The Internet.dark Web Contains The Hidden Internet Activities Which Is Not Public.no Google, No Yahoo And No Bing Indexed This Web.

Dark Web Is A Horrible Place Where Illegal Activities Are Made Freely.these Activities Are Really Illegal, Senseless And Some Activities Are Like If You See Them Your Eyes Automatically Goes Big And Only The Words "What The Hell It Is"Will Be Extract From Your Mouth.

Dark Web Is Not Open For Everyone.some Requirements Are Needed To Surf Dark Web.dark Web Can Be Accessed By Tor Browser (The Onion Router), This Browser Was Made To Hide Everything About Users.tor Browser Is Available On Tor Website 

2nd One Which Is Needed Is Dark Web Links.without Dark Web Links You Can Not Surf Dark Web.

Dark Web Contains Activities Like Drug Marketing, Hacking, Anonymity, Social, Illegitimate pornography, Finance..

Tor Browser Hide Users IP Address Without VPN. Its Browsing Speed Is Slow If You Want High Security.for Example-If You Go For Google.com On Tor Browser, It Will Use Minimum Of 3 Different Different New IP Address.say First Is Of US, second On Is Of Canada And Third One On Which Google Website Lands Is Of UK.

Tor Browser Provides Users Anonymity Facility, You're Completely Hide From All Tracking Websites, Govt. Based Privacy Etc.

Dark Web Is Illegal, If You By Mistake Click On The Link And Your IP Address Is Visible, You Will Be Traceable And Put Into Jail Because Dark Web Contains Criminal Activities, Hacking Activities.so, Be Aware If You're Going To Access Dark Web.

To Access Dark Web You Need Links-Hidden Wiki Website Provides Onion Links(Dark Web Links).Tap Here To Go To That Site.

I Repeat, Dark Web Is Completely Contains Bad Activities, You Can Do Everything On Dark Web.for Example-You See A Dark Web Link Having Text Of Flowers, If You Click On It You May Get How To Cut A Human Into Pieces.dark Web Contains Human Recipes.

Story From Reddit Users Of Deep Web-

From Reddit user Semper_Fi_Cerberus:

“It turned into my third time on the deep web and I was just looking round at sites. I determined this one man's domestic web page and on the sidebar I saw a link that stated 'For journalist and those new to the deep internet'. I clicked on it, hoping that it became thrilling and helpful facts. A new page opened and a picture started out to load. Thank god for my sluggish Internet because all that loaded was the pinnacle of an antique asian [sic] man with blood on his chin. I quickly closed the tab before the rest of the photograph loaded. To this present day I surprise what the complete image changed into but at the equal time am thankful I did not see it.

YouTube Video Channel That Provides Dark Web Videos-SomeOrdinaryGames .search With These Keywords On YouTube-Deep Web Some Ordinary Games.you Will Get All Deep/Dark Web Videos.

TOR, that's The Onion Router, is a provider that runs ontop of the internet, quite just like Eric stated. It became created by using the U.S. Navy's advanced research organisation (Similar to DARPA) which will create relaxed conversation and to collect intelligence (the latter supposedly). 
Dark WEB Contains Activities Related To Ghosts, Aliens Also.so, Be Careful Because They're Really Really Horrible.according To A Story-Dark Web Is 500* Of Surface Web.surface Web Is Just 0.03 % Of Internet And Remain Is Deep Web And Dark Web.
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