UC Browser May Ban In India Because Of Sending Private Info To Chinese ServersSame As Reported By Citizen Lab Report In 2019

UC Browser May Ban In India Because Of Major Security Issues-Stealing And Sending Your Data To Chinese Servers.
If You've Little Bit Of Tech Knowledge About Android Apps And Its Security, Then I'm Sure You Never Install UC Browser In Your Android Device, You Use Google Chrome Instead Of UC Browser, UC Browser Has Major Security Issues Founded By University Of Toronto In2019, After Reading That Post You'll Uninstall UC Browser(But Its Waste), Recently, UC Browser Developed By Alibaba Come Under Security Of Govt. Of India, May Ban In India Because Of Sending Personal Information Of Users To Chinese Servers Without Informing Users.

Its Not New That UC Browser Has Security And Privacy Issues, Because A Report Already Published In2019 By University Of Toronto And Report Highlighted That UC Browser Is Not Safe, Alibaba Makes UC Browser A Great Speedy Browser But Ignore Security Whereas Google Chrome And Firefox Always Ahead Security First, UC Browser Ignores It.

UC Browser Also Take Place In Best Browsers List By Popular Sites i.E. Android Authority But Best Only In Speed Not In Security.your Information Regarding Search Queries, Device Data And More Info Stealing And Sending To Chinese Server.read This Full Post To Know What Type Of Information UC Browser Is Stealing.

UC Browser No Doubt One Of The Best Browser In Speed, Its Downloading Speed Is Very Fast That's Why Over 500 Million Users Globally Using It, UC Browser Most Popular In China And In India, In India Its Number Of Installs Are Over 50 Millions,Near Half Of Android Population Of India Use UC Browser, Still Its On Second Place, Google's Chrome-Safe And Secure Currently Hold Rank 1 In India As Well As Globally.

UC Browser Is Not Safe, Secure, Here's Why: -

Not Only Indian Users Data, UC Browser Ignores Every User Privacy And Security-Citizen Lab(Report-2015).

In The Report Citizen Lab(2015)-It Was Found That : -

Transmission Of Personal Identifiable Information And User Search Queries Without Encryption: -

If You Install UC Browser In Your Android Device, Your Data, IMSI, IMEI, Android ID, And Wi-Fi Mac Address Are Send Without Encryption(No Protection) To Umeng(Alibaba Analytic Tool), In Chinese Language Version.

Your Geo Location Data, Including Longitude/Latitude And Street Name, Are Transmitted Without Encryption By AMAP(Alibaba's Mapping Tool), In Chinese Language Version.

Search Queries Are Sent Without Encryption To Search Engines.

Above Listed Points Shows That All Data Sent Without Encryption Which Allow Anyone With Access To Data Traffic To Identify Users, And Their Devices And Collect Their Private Search Data.

When A User Attempt To Delete Their Private Data By Clearing UC Browser's Cache, DNS Lookup Data Remain Their(Not Delete), 
What Happens If It Still Remain In Your Phone?
The Cached Record Of DNS Lookup Data Allow For A Third Party With Access To Device To Identify The Websites That A User Visited.

The Above Image Shows That How Search Queries Data, Device Data Sent To Alibaba's Different Tools-Mapping Tool, Analytic Tool Including Geo Location, IMEI, IMSI But When The Report Published(In2019), This Data Extract From UC Browser(Chinese Version), Now In2019 It Has Been Reported That UC Browser English Version Is Using The Same Way That Already Using In Chinese Language Version To Send Data To Chinese Servers.

Ministry Of Electronics And Information Technology, India Receive Complains Of UC Browser That UC Browser Is Leaking Indian Users Data To Its Chinese Servers Without Informing Users. Currently, Investigation Is In Progress, UC Browser May Ban In India.

Conclusion-No Doubt, UC Browser Is Stealing Data, Security Issues, Privacy Issues, UC Browser Speed Is Good, But What About Security?One Can Not Use Google Accounts And More Information Like Saving Debit Card Information In UC Browser If These Type Of Issues Further Alive In Future.
UC Browser Alternatives: -

You Can Use Google Chrome(Very Fast And Secure-Make Sure You Use Updated Version), Mozilla Firefox .both Of Them Safe, Secure.

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